Leah's Success Story

From out of control with no light at the end of the tunnel to calm and peaceful


If you'd like to know the tools to build a balanced life... then LET'S TALK!


Leah's a busy accountant who spent her day in back-to-back meetings and even was asked to work through her 2 year olds birthday party! In this video she shares how much has changed in a matter of months including the clarity she now has on the career she wants to have, how she stopped being the workhorse resulting in an empty calendar and the simple tools she's used that now means life is calm instead of hectic.

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Vickie was overwhelmed at work and home, shouldering the bulk of the mental load for her family while holding down a demanding job. In this video Vickie shares some of the specific tools that have been change changers to help her get more time back, to be more present with her girls and to have the confidence that she's on the right career path.


Jade's Story

On the surface Jade had everything - a beautiful blended family, supportive partner, a house - yet on the inside she just didn't feel satisfied and was stuck on the treadmill of life. Being self-aware, Jade knew she'd lost her vivacity and didn't have confidence or energy to build her new consulting business, but had no idea how to fix it because nothing else she tried had worked. Just 8 weeks later, Jade's life has changed in every aspect. She's now got the tools to grow her thriving business and feel like her vivacious self again regardless of the busyness around her.


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