Balance & Beyond Podcast
Episode Summary
#86: How Theresa Became Unbreakable
Have you ever felt overwhelmed and shackled by past experiences?
Meet Theresa from Texas, whose path from frustration and self-doubt to becoming a fearless world challenger is nothing short of inspiring. A seemingly random encounter on social media sparked her transformation, shifting her mindset from knowing it all to embracing the power of personal growth. Hear Teresa's reflections on how being truly seen and heard became a cornerstone in her journey, ultimately empowering her to use her gifts to inspire meaningful change. Her story is a testament to the courage it takes to embrace change and the profound impact of personal transformation.
Alongside Theresa's incredible journey, I share a deeply personal experience from a retreat that led to the symbolic release of my own burdens, both emotional and physical. This moment of vulnerability and self-discovery allowed for healthier relationships and personal growth, underscoring the importance of shedding past guilt and shame. Together, we explore the transformative power of vulnerability, particularly for women overcoming past challenges, and highlight Theresa's efforts to empower others through her book and conferences. This episode is a call to invest in yourself—not from selfishness but as a powerful step toward serving others and creating a ripple of empowerment across communities.
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Episode Transcript
INTRO: Welcome to Balance and Beyond, the podcast for ambitious women who refuse to accept burnout as the price of success. Here, we’re committed to empowering you with the tools and strategies you need to achieve true balance, where your career, relationships and health all thrive, and where you have the power to define success on your own terms. I honour the space you’ve created for yourself today, so take a breath, and let's dive right in…
Jo Host
Welcome to Balance and Beyond. Today, I am joined by a special guest, all the way from Texas. Theresa came to me many, many years ago, and I'm very excited to share what she just said to me—what happens when you change your thinking. Welcome, Theresa.
Theresa Guest
Well, hello! Excited to be with you!Â
Jo Host
Lovely to have you here! What I would love for you to do is start by sharing a little bit about yourself. I mentioned you're in Texas, but who are you, and yeah, what has been going on in your world? Just a little bit about you.
Theresa Guest
Sure, well, thank you. You know what? The "who" has evolved so much over the last couple of years. So, if I were to identify myself, I would say I’m a world challenger, game changer, and fearless woman—something I wasn’t just a few years ago.Â
But yes, I am absolutely from Texas, specifically a little bitty town that’s now getting on the map called Taylor, Texas. There’s lots of momentum and movement out here. My husband and I own a couple of businesses, I’m a homeschool mom, and I’m really just out here to make a difference in the world.
Jo Host
Look at that difference. You are! But, as you mentioned, that was probably not how you described yourself a couple of years ago. If you cast your mind back to that version of Theresa, how do you think you would have described yourself then?Â
Theresa Guest
Yeah, well, for sure, Jo. When we first met—it's so fun to say all the way from Texas—I remember scrolling through Facebook on a Sunday morning when I heard a voice all the way from Australia. It’s amazing to look back and see who I was and where I was at that point in time.
I would say the best way to describe who I was back then is frustrated. I was overwhelmed, questioning my place in life, and wondering why I had so much potential built up inside me, yet it wasn’t being actualized. In fact, I hated the word potential. I had always envisioned making a big impact, pursuing big dreams, and chasing big desires, but I didn’t have the capacity to see it through because I was so overwhelmed.
Jo Host
And what made you say yes to come and work with a random Australian that you'd never heard of when you're sitting there in Texas? What made you say yes?Â
Theresa Guest
Yeah, I feel like the opportunity met a need, you know? And I think that happens so, so often, but many times, we overlook it. At that point in time, the opportunity of you appearing on my Facebook feed—it’s funny, I don’t even know how that happened! But obviously, I was putting out some kind of vibes that landed me in your algorithm.
I really think it was just serendipity. It was the right time, the right moment, and I was ready for change. And I think, for the first time, I was curious—curious because I was tired of being overwhelmed, tired of being frustrated. That curiosity is probably what got us on that first phone call. And then, when I got on the phone with you, I truly felt, for the first time, that I was seen. And I think that is a gift—a huge gift—to be able to give someone.
I believe that all of us have an innate desire to be seen, valued, and heard. Until we are truly seen, we can’t be valued, and we don’t share our voice. So, Jo, your ability to see people—the bravery you had to reach out, expand what you were doing, and create space for others—came at exactly the right time for me. I needed that expansion. It was perfect timing, the perfect opportunity, and a reflection of you using your gifts to truly see people.
Jo Host
Oh, thank you, that’s lovely. There were a few big moments we’ve had together that seemed like real turning points in your life. Can you describe any of those? Were there any moments where you thought, Wow, this changed everything?
Theresa Guest
At that point, something shifted in me—something really shifted. Sure, you know, when I first started working with you, I was curious and hungry, but I also had an attitude problem. Not in a snobby way—I truly hope I never came across that way—but in my spirit, I felt like, “I already know a lot of this stuff.”
Before I met you, I was a solo entrepreneur, self-employed, with a vision for inspiring people. But my background was in banking and the corporate world. A lot of the tools and resources we were working through together were things I had encountered before in some form. So, in those early days of working with you, I had to go through a real mindset shift.
The first shift I can think of happened when I was doing the work with you. I had to come to the realization that, yes, I had done some of this before—but when I did it before, I was doing it for someone else. Now, I was doing it for me. And that was a huge shift.
Just the empowerment of saying, Okay, I’ve done these tests—personality tests, assessments, journaling—before, and I did them to be better for someone else. But now, I’m doing it to be better for myself. That was a big turning point, and I think it came early on. When I was finally able to say, Okay, I’m going to dig into this program and truly get everything I can from it, that’s when things started to change.
Jo Host
Yeah, yeah! As you said, you've done a lot of personal development work and in one of your businesses that you run, you're incredibly successful and incredibly inspiring and very good at motivating people. So, I guess that's a very common trait that we see with women who come into our world. You know all the things, but often, you're not doing all of the things, or doing them in the way that's going to get you the change that you want.Â
Theresa Guest
Well, for sure, and I think, like you said, we do it for other people. Whether it's because I want to serve somebody else to the detriment of myself, or because I just want to be obedient: “So I'm going to do what you asked me to do.” But, either way, I can't remember who said this quote, but maybe you said this. “When you turn the eye inward, that's when you can really start to see the shift and to see things for the value that they bring, not just for the end result.” You know, doing, “One step at a time.”Â
Jo Host
Absolutely. And you and I had some fun together in Florida a couple of years ago! I got to give you a hug in person, and you said to me, “I must warn you, I'm a little on the petite side.” And I saw you. You're like this, “Oh my gosh, look at this little tiny powerhouse with big heels on, with the big hair!” I was like, “I love it!” “The ultimate Texan!” It was amazing to get to spend a weekend together in Florida. What happened on that retreat? Anything powerful? That, again, was it another catalyst for change?Â
Theresa Guest
Sure, absolutely, absolutely! I talk about this all the time, you know. Number one, I will say that getting to the retreat was a decision that I really had to come to terms with. Because, again, so many times in my life I'd be like, “I don't really need that.” Or maybe, “I don't want to invest the money in that.” You know, maybe it's my first vacation away from my husband, right? Like, “I don't want to do that.” You know, that kind of thing.Â
So, I had to, like, put myself in a place where I said, ”Okay, no.” “I'm doing this again for me.” And I think you know that's a big deal. And, yes, I always tell people, before I see them in person. I'm like, ”I'm so much taller on Zoom.” So, there's always the shock factor! They're like, “Well, you're not as short as I thought you were.” “No.” I'm just kidding! But, I think you know, when we first came in, you created such a beautiful space, Jo, to just be, to shut off the noise.Â
Like, I still had conversations with my husband when I was there. I still checked in on school. I don't think I checked in on work. But, you know, good for me, right? But I did, you know. I found myself in a place to just be, and you created such a beautiful environment for vulnerability, for reflection. And while we had done a lot of those exercises throughout virtual settings, which were amazing, and you can really, you know, get into the moment, I remember some of the virtual exercises that we did with some journaling, and just intentionally taking that time to journal is huge!Â
But at the retreat, you're like, there. You know? It’s not like I can say, ”I'm going to journal for 10 seconds, and go flip out the laundry.” Right? Or ”I'm going to go and grab another cup of tea” and then get stuck chasing a cat and then, “Oh gosh, the dog had a mess!” And you know all of those things, right?
But, I got to just be! And there were a couple of things that I realised about myself at the retreat that I had never come to terms with before. One of those things was that I had picked up a belief, or a pattern, that I didn't express emotions. I didn't express emotions by crying. And, of course, I'm around this group of ladies, who obviously didn't get the memo! They knew how to cry. And here I was, I'm like, “Well, I don't cry!”Â
It's like, you know, your 10 year old saying, “Well, I'm not going to laugh!” Like, no matter what you do, right? And being in that place of just surrender. And again, vulnerability, and getting to be in the space of collective energy was so beautiful. It really brought me to a place where I was allowed to allow that tear to fall, right? And that was huge! And then, I think I cried for a long time.Â
But, the other piece, probably because of that, I was able to see something else. You know, many times, I feel like our vision is clouded, because we've got this in front of us, that's blocking us from seeing that one. And, Jo, when I first started working with you, one of the biggest, probably, issues that I had, I just didn't have words for it yet, was that I wasn't making an impact in the lives of others, to the extent that I felt like I could.Â
Again “potential” was a word that really pissed me off. It was, you know, it was like ”Oh, you're so …you could.“ “You could, absolutely!” But potential means that there's a possibility, but there's something blocking you, right? Like, you haven't arrived yet. And so, I really felt like, yeah, there was this hindrance, when you and I first started working together. And I couldn't pinpoint it. I couldn't figure out what it was.Â
It felt so external. And I just kept blaming, essentially, my circumstances between my obligations, with one job to another job. Or if time spent here means not time spent there, and I was very siloed and had to, like you know, put things in boxes essentially, and after we had that moment of finally, I don't even know what pricked that tear. Then I was able to get to the next phase, which was a very pivotal phase, at your retreat, at our retreat. It was a collective retreat. We all experienced it.Â
Yes, and that was for the first time. I had this vision. And I get visions every once in a while. But, this particular vision that I could see, it was what was separating me from other people. And I saw it in the sense of something that was in the room, and I can actually, I can look at what’s behind you, and almost, put myself back in that place, right? Because, you were sitting in front of me.Â
I was probably sitting on the ground, I think I was on the floor, and in front of a chair. And I think you were sitting next to a table, or in front of a table. But, behind you was this big shelf, and it was kind of … it was an arched over shelf, and it had a lot of things on it. And, all of a sudden, it was like I had this awakening, or this knowing, that what was holding me back was a shield, because I could see it. I could see something that made me realise that that's what it was!Â
And what that represented was: I had, for protection, for preservation, for all of those things, for guilt, for shame, for, you know, all of these beliefs, or barriers, that I had picked up throughout my life, had protected myself with a shield. And when I got that visual that was behind you, in that moment, it literally awakened me to realising that that's the reason. I wasn't able to have that impact with people.Â
It’s because, if you're carrying an 800 pound shield, which is probably what it felt like, especially to my nothing, you know, frame. You’re carrying an 800 pound shield around you. How effective are you at reaching other people, if you're blocking that exchange? So, anyway, that became such a pivotal moment. And, literally in that moment I was like, “I see it!” And you're like, “What do you see?” And I'm like, “I see the shield.” ”What shield?“ “The one I've been carrying!” ”What do you mean you've been carrying?”Â
And it was just like this, ”Whoa!” “Like, wow!” moment, and it's so fun to remember that! You know, at that moment, I gave myself permission to put the shield down, and I mean, that's a process. I think, any kind of healing work that we do when we put something down, many times we want to just pick it right back up. In fact, you know, we're like, because we're so used to it, right? Muscle memory.Â
You know, ”Somebody’s getting too close, pick that shield back up!” ”Something’s happening, pick that back up!” And it was quite empowering, and impressive, to see it, to see what it was, and to have a visual. And then, I think this was the last day of the retreat. And the next day, you know, I'm riding with Bex to the airport, and we're just having a wonderful conversation. When I got to the airport, my flight was delayed for like, four hours. I didn’t even care. Like, I literally felt like I was high, or floating home. And the only thing I could attribute that to is that I had just released this incredibly amazing weight off of me, and that was so profound.Â
I came home and didn't, for the first time have re-entry with my husband. Which was, you know, kinda “the thing“, when you go away for a weekend, and you come home and you're, like, you know, fighting, or whatever. I didn't have that re-entry, and I actually came home and made amends with a couple of people, who I’d had a division with, and like, mended some relationships. And so, it was really a really cool and, I think, pivotal time in my career. And something that was so needed. And I say ”career.” But, really, it had nothing to do with my career and everything to do with “life”.
Jo Host
Absolutely, and a lot's changed since then. In that time, not just from a career perspective, but also physically. Like you—you dropped the metaphorical shield, and then you dropped a whole stack of pounds. Yeah, no coincidence, right? You put the emotions down, and now the physicality, the weight behind you, has permission to drop.
Theresa Guest
You know, one of my favorite things—obviously the shield moment—but also getting to meet the people in the room with us at that retreat. You know, it's funny to think about the moments we all had together, the moments of vulnerability I'll always remember. And I won't say names or whatever—it’s their story, not mine—but when I think of certain people who had other aha, beautiful moments, I can just feel their energy right now. Just thinking about it, I can feel the beauty of those moments.
And one of the other people I met, of course, is our mutual friend now, Dr. Val. One of the biggest takeaways I had—probably again tied to dropping the shield and finally wanting to do something for me—was realizing that doing something for myself isn’t selfish. Because, seriously, if I’m not well, how can I help anybody?
And so I got to work with Dr. Val, and that was a beautiful experience. And I do believe that we are mind, body and spirit. That's my belief, is that we were created from a spiritual aspect – a mental – or body – and a physical. And, when we deal with just the mindset but we leave the body out, we can be, you know well, fine in here, but broken here. And, if we leave the spiritual side out, then, you know, there's just so many pieces to all of that healing.Â
And so, anyway, when I think about that, the surrender of the shield made way for a surrender into the physical piece, which kind of completed where I was at. I was always strong spiritually, but I needed help and support mentally and physically. And that's what, you know, I believe really came from working with you and then Dr. Val.
Jo Host
And so, where are you now? Where has your journey taken you? And do you still cringe at the word “potential”? Or are you now embracing it and living it?Â
Theresa Guest
You know, I don't even hear that word anymore! Which is so fun.Â
Jo Host
Who needs to ask, right?Â
Theresa Guest
Nobody says that to me anymore! “I have arrived!” No, I'm just kidding! But I haven't. There's so much—there's so much to do and to learn. And, you know, as I talked earlier about really being at that place, in that time of blame and external factors, I really struggled back then.
Is this why I just can't be successful? Because my time is torn here? Or I just can't be successful because I have to do this? And I just, you know… And so I had all of these—if I have to do that, then I can't do this. My mindset was just so conditional, as opposed to abundant. And, and, and—right? Like and I can. And so, you know, when I came back from the retreat—I guess this was the… well, this—I know this was. This was in the summer of 2022.
And one thing I want to add as well is the power of connections that I found in working with you and Dr. Val, and at that point, Katie, and even some of the people in the tribe. When I got home from that retreat—you know, it's almost… one of my favorite words that I like to talk about is scripture, and it says that as soon as the word is sown, the enemy comes.Â
And it's like, as soon as you start on a path, a lot of times, we're hit with adversity. When I came home from that retreat, I was on fire. I was set on a path. I was lighter, I was freer, right? And then immediately, I got gut-punched with a situation that was just horrific. My normal reaction would have been—pick up the shield, pick up the shield.Â
But because of what was really solidified in me and the impact of that moment, I was able to say, I don’t have to pick up the shield. But this still does hurt, and maybe I need to walk through the emotions of what we’re dealing with instead of trying to pack them away. And then, subsequently, something else happened, and we lost my mom. And again, it was one of those situations where I had to literally work through emotions.Â
My past self wouldn’t have really worked through it well—I would have just had that shield up and would have continued to push them back, push them back, push them back. I wouldn’t have cried. You know, I probably wouldn’t have cried when my mom passed. But it was different. I was a different person because of what happened with the work that we did and the turning moments at the retreat. And so today, we’re in a totally different world.
So, right after mum passed away, I came home from her funeral, and I was having this conversation with the Lord. And I was like, “God, this is not fair!” I was wearing one of my mum's shirts, and it was a picture of Rosie the Riveter. Although it wasn't her but, you know, it was like that. And at the top of the shirt, it says, I'm looking at it right now. It says Lung Cancer Warrior and on the bottom it says Unbreakable.Â
And I just—I was so broken and heartbroken, and I thought, “God, this is so unfair.” Like, “Why did she have it?” Right? “She fought this, she overcame lung cancer!” But then she dealt with kidney cancer. It's just… I was in this devastating moment.
And the answer that I got in my spirit was: We are all going to go through challenges in life that are going to crush us, that are going to bend us, that are going to hurt. And many times, we’re going to feel like we’re breaking. But with the right foundation—until it’s time to come home, like my mom… it was time for her to go home—until it’s time to come home, you will, and will always, remain unbreakable.
And in that moment, that was the answer that I got, that put us on a trajectory of a whole new business, a whole new way of serving and showing up and empowering people. And so I got the feeling—okay, the women’s conference was our next thing.
So I launched a women's conference, decided to call it Unbreakable, and then I was asked, “Okay, well, what’s next?” And I’m like, “Well, I don’t know.” And so I started reflecting, and I’m like, “Well, I don’t know.” And so, I started reflecting, and I’m like, “Well, what makes—what is that foundation?” Right? Because it said, with the right foundation.
And so, I started thinking about the journey that I had taken over the last five years with you, and Dr. Val, and just other people that have been put in place, in my path, for such a time. And so I started thinking about it, and I just started writing things out that I had picked up along that journey. Literally, I identified seven pillars to the foundation, and they go from self-discovery to our mindset and mind shifting, to our beliefs, to our trauma and defining moments—that’s a big one, right?Â
From there to health, from health to community, and from community to purpose. And so now we have Unbreakable Enterprises, and we help people build the foundation of an unbreakable life. We do that through our life assistance-type programs, our business coaching and consulting programs, our marriage coaching, consulting, and counseling programs, and we’re creating Unbreakable Families.
So it’s just been so fun to have gone from a place of limitation—feeling like there’s so much more out there but being trapped, not realizing that I was the one holding the trap—to releasing it and seeing the true power of expansion.
Jo Host
That’s so impressive. Unbreakable Enterprises—that’s such a beautiful name for it. This is an empire now that you are building around who you’ve become, and there’s no room for shields here, right? You’re showing up as yourself, you’re sharing your story. I know you really embrace that vulnerability now, and that’s why so many women look up to you. They’ve always looked up to you.Â
But, as you said, there was something between you. Now you’re so much more authentic, and because of that, you’re having such an exponential impact on so many lives, which is just so amazing to see. Every time I see something pop up on my socials, I’m like, “Go, Teresa! Go, Teresa!” You’re doing such an amazing job. So, who would have thought, right?
Theresa Guest
You know, I’m glad you mentioned vulnerability because one of the other aha moments—now, this wasn’t in a session, and this wasn’t at the retreat, but during the course of working with you—I’m thinking, because I believe we started working together in 2021, like in January. I think that’s right, yeah.
And October of 2021 was a time when I became the most vulnerable I had ever been in my life, and that became a pivotal moment. But had I not really done the work and felt safe? Again, community comes before purpose, because we have to have a place to feel safe. And I think that’s why your retreats were so empowering as well—because we, you, created a space in the retreat that allowed everybody to feel safe, to be seen, valued, and heard.
And so, anyway, I remember having this conversation—I talk to God a lot—but I had this conversation with God while I was putting my makeup on. I remember, you know, I had Pink Cadillac written on my mirror where my makeup was, and I had Becoming the Best written on there. Again, this was 2021, when we first started working together.
I was definitely trying to break through some beliefs and create some big goals and attainment, and I remember, Jo, one time when I was putting my makeup on. I believe it was in September when I felt that voice pop up in my head that said, “But Teresa, what if they find out?” It was one of those moments that I was so frustrated because I didn’t realize how loud that voice was until that moment of stillness.Â
And I remember thinking, “Oh my God, when will this voice ever leave me?” Like, you know, I’m 40-something years old at that time. I can’t do the math backwards, but I probably can. I was 21, so I was 40. I was 40 years old at that time. The situation—I knew exactly what that voice referred to. It referred to a situation, a thing that happened when I was 13 years old, and I literally went through this experience. I was so frustrated. I’m like, “Why does this keep haunting me? When will this voice ever leave me?”Â
And again, I had this conversation with God, and the response I got was so pivotal. This was something that we talk about at our conferences because vulnerability and transparency are so important, because that’s when you can surrender. But anyway, I said, “When is this voice ever going to leave me?” And then I felt, immediately, a check in my spirit. And that check was, “Theresa, would you hold your 13-year-old daughter hostage to a situation that happened to her at 13?” I said, “No, of course not!”Â
Like, who would do that to their kid? You have girls, I have girls. There’s no way! Like, no way, they don’t even have a brain yet! Seriously, like, the choices that they make at 13 years old, you can’t hold them to that, right? And then the question that I got immediately after that was, “Then why are you holding yourself hostage?” And I was like, “Oh.”
So, in that moment—and again, I had to come to the place where I was willing to reflect, willing to think differently, and let things go—but in that moment, I started another process of healing and was able to let things go. And when we created our Women's Conference a couple of years later, one of the things that we do is storytelling for the purpose of helping people overcome things that have held them back—shame, guilt, all of those things that kept us feeling isolated.
We give a voice to them. I believe that our stories will do one of two things: they’ll either be the chains that hold us down, keep us drowning, falling, and hurting, or they’ll be our keys to freedom. And once we unlock ourselves, we can go in and unlock somebody else.
So, I'll just say we created, from the conference, a book called Pieces to Purpose: Unbreakable Women Who Refuse to Give Up, and this is full of stories from 17 different women who gave power to their voice and took their power back from their situations, whatever they were. Now it’s going all over the world, inspiring other women to rediscover who they are and take their power back.
Jo Host
It’s truly incredible, isn’t it? From that initial journey to now, the ripple effect you’ve created is so inspiring—helping women, their families, communities, and workplaces. The transformation you’ve sparked is far-reaching. Who knows what the future holds? The possibilities are endless—books, book tours, conferences... It’s amazing to see it all unfold!
Theresa Guest
It's amazing. Well, and here's you know to to kind of bring this back full circle is a lot of times. I think the reason that women mostly women won't invest in themselves is because we feel selfish about it. Right? I remember hearing that over and over and I couldn't really put a voice to it. I remember that feeling I couldn't really connect the dots, though, and I knew I had heard but when you don't do something for yourself, then you're being selfless, and then who can you serve?Â
But I will say this, Jo when you stepped into your power, when Dr Val stepped into her power, when I stepped into my power, when anybody else that's watching this steps into our power, it may be a moment of looking inward and pouring into self, but I wouldn't be here without you, and if you just gave credit to the people that I'm impacting because of what I've done, it wouldn't have happened if you didn't do what you did. We're not alone, right, every single one of us, our impact is far reaching. So, to somebody who might be feeling like I can't invest in myself, who on the other continent needs you to step into your power so that they can hear a Facebook infomercial that says that you too can be a blissful bread winner, and it will change the world, absolutely One woman at a time.
Jo Host
Right, that's what we're here to do! So you know I love what you said. You know we never know that when we confront our own fears, when we deal with our own demons, the ripple impact that that's going to have and you don't have to be a coach or run your own business for that to happen. These are women who are having impacts in their family and their community and that's why I do what I do is that we get to see what that impact is. So thank you, Theresa, for coming, and sharing your story.
Theresa Guest
I know, it's impossible to walk away from this conversation and not be inspired, and I love that! You know, you have been so generous with your continued support. You know, your kids. And Jo, I mentioned you today, and I mentioned this. So, it's not something. It's nice to be recognized as a coach! It's not something we ever look for, you know. You’re the person who's behind the scenes, cheering you on, but know that there is an entire community around the world, who you've been a part of for a couple of years now, who are always cheering you on!
Jo Host
Whether you're working with us in a paid capacity or not, you will always be part of the tribe, and it is so wonderful to see you. So, we are right behind you, and cannot wait to see where this goes!
Theresa Guest
Oh, thank you! And I feel that, and I so much appreciate it. I do also believe that, when somebody makes an impact, they should know. So many times, people do the little things, and people don't realize the impact they're making. And so, when you get to be part of that, I think it's important to tell somebody. ”Hey, you were part of this.” Like, “You made me feel good today.” Or “The way that you handled that gave me a new insight, or a new thought, on life.” I think that's important.
We're so quick to point out the negative or the challenging things. But so many times, we hold back. And maybe that was part of what I needed to learn from that shield experiment, right? It’s to be generous with sharing the love, because people need to know they can be seen. They also want to be valued, and they want to be heard. So, I am incredibly grateful, and will always mention your name, because of the amazing impact that you made.
Jo Host
Yeah, thank you, Theresa! And we'll be mentioning your name, too. If people want to learn more about your journey: The Unbreakable, if they're anywhere near Texas. Because, we have listeners from all over the world. Tell us where people can find you.
Theresa Guest
Sure! Well, definitely on socials. I'm really more of a Facebook than an Instagram person. Although, I'm getting better at that! But, @TheresaPoorcom is a great place to start! You'll learn about Unbreakable. You'll learn about unbreakable business, unbreakable families, and all of the fun things! And yeah, I would love to stay connected!
Jo Host
Well, there you go! You heard it from her, the woman herself. Go check it out! If you're anywhere in person, I'm sure it won't be long before she's got global tours happening all around the world, and we'll be there cheering you on, in whatever convention you need to be in!
So, as you can tell from hearing Theresa’s story, she's incredibly articulate, she's incredibly generous with her stories, with her vulnerability, and even with paying it forward! So please do go check her out! Theresa, thank you so much for joining us today. I knew this would be fun, but you've blown my mind as to how far you've come, and how much you've evolved.
Theresa Guest
Thank you!
OUTRO: Thank you for joining us today on the Balance and Beyond Podcast. We're so glad you carved out this time for yourself. If you enjoyed this episode, please share it with a friend who might need to hear this today. And if you're feeling extra generous, leaving us a review on your podcast platform of choice would mean the world. If you’re keen to dive deeper into our world, visit us at to discover more about the toolkit that has helped thousands of women avoid burnout and create a life of balance, and beyond. Thanks again for tuning in, and we'll see you next time on the Balance & Beyond Podcast.