Tame Your Perfectionist

Practical strategies to ditch perfectionism and unleash the powerful you within


What could be possible if it didn’t have to be perfect?

Imagine not stewing on past mistakes for days?

What peace could unlock if your inner critic was silenced?

Millions of ambitious women struggle with the grip of perfectionism.

It can be a powerful tool for achievement, but it can also become a relentless tyrant that steals women's joy and peace.

Across 2 Sessions You Will Discover...

  • The hidden roots of your perfectionism: We'll delve into the childhood experiences that often fuel this relentless drive for flawlessness.
  • The different types of perfectionists: Learn which type you are and how it manifests in your life.
  • The sneaky ways perfectionism sabotages your success: Explore where perfectionism lurks beyond the obvious and learn to navigate these challenges effectively.
  • Practical tools and strategies to tame your perfectionist: These powerful techniques will help you loosen its grip and reclaim control of your life.
  • The power of self-compassion: Learn to silence your inner critic and embrace a more accepting and supportive relationship with yourself.
  • The strength of shared experience: Connect with a supportive community of women who get you. Finally feel seen, heard, and empowered to break free from perfectionism together.

Here's what you'll dive into...


Breaking Free from the Perfect Prison

Here's what you'll uncover:

  • Unmask Your Perfectionist - Peel back the layers and discover the hidden childhood experiences fueling your relentless pursuit of flawlessness. Gain clarity on the "why" behind your perfectionist tendencies.
  • Which Type of Perfectionist Are You? - Explore the three primary types and pinpoint which one resonates most with you. Understand how this type shows up in your daily life.
  • Empower Yourself with Awareness: Begin to dismantle the grip of perfectionism by raising your awareness of its sneaky tactics. Learn where it hides and how it sabotages your success in unexpected areas.


Powerful Tools and Strategies for Action

Here's what you'll uncover:

  • Equip Yourself with Powerful Tools - Dive deep into practical strategies and techniques specifically designed to tame your perfectionist. Learn how to loosen its grip and reclaim control of your life.
  • Silence Your Inner Critic -Develop strategies to silence your inner critic and cultivate a more compassionate and supportive inner dialogue. Embrace self-acceptance and ditch the guilt of "not doing enough."
  • Embrace Progress Over Perfection - Learn to celebrate progress, big or small, rewrite the rules of success and ditch the paralysing fear of imperfection. Discover the joy and fulfilment of embracing the journey, not just the destination.

Meet your coach, Jo

Hi! I'm Jo! High-performance mindset coach and recovering perfectionist! I empower ambitious women to create lives with better balance, without burning out.

I spent 20 years building a career in financial and professional services, climbing the marketing ladder until I became an Asia Pacific Chief Marketing Officer in a publicly listed organisation.

During this time, I also sat on a Not-For-Profit Board, built a new home, and raised two little humans with my husband.

However, there came a moment when I almost blew it all up. Despite seemingly having it all on the outside, I felt lost, trapped and unfulfilled.

I sold my house, quit my job, and my marriage nearly slipped through my fingers. I thought changing everything on the outside would stop me from feeling so burnt out. But the penny dropped after I'd made all those changes, yet nothing had changed. It was me.

So I embarked on a journey to unravel everything I'd learned. The strategies I was using didn't bring me balance, they exacerbated the chaos. I realised I couldn't work any harder or be any more organised. Even meditation failed to stop my racing mind. 

This rich tapestry of past experience and unique skills, while juggling everything, enables me to share practical insights and wisdom that will resonate in your world.

I live and breathe these tools and strategies, and I can't wait to share them with you!

What others say about Jo...


"This has taken me from fragile, broken and burnt out back to happy, engaged, driven and motivated. This has had a positive impact on every aspect of my life."


"If you're ready to take on the challenge of rediscovering who you are, are willing to put in the work, be vulnerable and ask yourself some tough questions, then you have nothing to lose and all to gain."


"It's given me the tools to work out what is and isn't working in my life, and why, and guidance on how to change the things that aren't working for me."

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