Mastering Time Masterclass

The best time management strategies to boost productivity, enhance focus and stop procrastination in 2024.


What if you could work less and achieve more?

How is your inner critic stopping you from embracing productivity?

Imagine procrastination being a thing of the past...

Countless women are caught in the relentless cycle of busyness, constantly feeling behind and like they’ve never done enough.


Instead of feeling like you need to clone yourself, what if there was a better way to boost your productivity, enhance your focus and help you achieve more without doing more?

Join us for this 1-hour free workshop to discover how you can:

  • Break free from the busyness trap: Understand the difference between being busy and productive, and learn how to prioritise tasks effectively, even when juggling a huge workload.
  • Uncover the hidden time thieves: Discover the surprising ways your time is slipping away and learn to identify your personal productivity pitfalls.
  • Master the art of focus: Develop powerful techniques to eliminate distractions, improve concentration, and achieve flow states.
  • Transform your relationship with procrastination: Explore the root causes of procrastination and learn practical strategies to overcome it.
  • Unlock cutting-edge time management strategies: Discover proven techniques to optimise your productivity and create a life of balance and fulfilment.
  • Design a life you love: Learn to align your time with your values and create a fulfilling work-life balance.

Are you ready to take control and master the time you have?


Meet your coach, Jo

Hi! I'm Jo, a high-performance mindset coach and recovering do-er of all things! I empower ambitious women to reclaim their time and create lives of balance and fulfillment without burning out.

I spent two decades navigating the fast-paced world of finance and marketing, climbing the corporate ladder to become an Asia-Pacific Chief Marketing Officer. While juggling a demanding career, I also built a home, raised a family, and served on a non-profit board.

However, there came a moment when I almost blew it all up. Despite seemingly having it all on the outside, I felt lost and trapped in the pressure cooker of constant deadlines, endless to-do lists and the relentless pursuit of more.  

I hit a wall, forcing me to reevaluate everything. I realised it wasn’t about adding more hours to the day or trying to get more done. It was transforming my relationship with time itself.

Through years of personal transformation and in-depth research, I developed a proven system for optimising time, energy, and focus that works when you’re a busy woman juggling everything. My mission is to share these insights with you, helping you escape the time trap and create a life that truly matters.

What others say about Jo...


"This has taken me from fragile, broken and burnt out back to happy, engaged, driven and motivated. This has had a positive impact on every aspect of my life."


"If you're ready to take on the challenge of rediscovering who you are, are willing to put in the work, be vulnerable and ask yourself some tough questions, then you have nothing to lose and all to gain."


"It's given me the tools to work out what is and isn't working in my life, and why, and guidance on how to change the things that aren't working for me."

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Watch now and create a life you love with the time you have.