Stop Leaving Money on the Table: Earn Your Worth Workshop

Discover the Secrets to Earning What You Deserve and Reaching Your Career Potential



Stop Leaving Money on the Table: Earn Your Worth Workshop

Discover the Secrets to Earning What You Deserve and Reaching Your Career Potential


Tired of feeling overworked, undervalued and underpaid?

If you're a professional woman who works incredibly hard, but never seems to earn what she knows she's worth, you're not alone.


  • Finally commanding the salary you deserve.
  • Feeling confident and empowered in negotiations.
  • Breaking free from the "hustle" mentality and working smarter, not harder.

In the replay of this exclusive 90min workshop, you'll discover:

The hidden secrets that are holding you back from earning your worth.

(It's not just the gender pay gap!) We'll expose the surprising factors that might be keeping you from the salary you deserve.

How to overcome limiting beliefs and self-doubt.

Finally silence the inner critic that tells you to settle for less. Learn powerful techniques to build unshakeable confidence in your value.

The powerful 3-step framework to unlock your true earning potential.

This proven system will guide you through Owning It, Showing It, and Claiming It, so you can finally get paid what you're worth.

Strategies to shift your identity and personal brand.

Go beyond the "Get Sh*t Done" stereotype and become known for your expertise, not just your workload. We'll show you how to build a powerful brand that commands respect and high-value compensation.

Powerful negotiation techniques that get you what you deserve.

Learn to negotiate like a pro without feeling like a "bossy" woman. We'll equip you with the skills and confidence to ask for—and get—the salary you deserve.

This is NOT just another career workshop.

Full of practical advice and specific tools, you will finally be able to unlock the huge amounts of money left on your career table. 

Ready to Earn Your Worth?

Stop feeling invisible and underpaid! Invest in yourself with this workshop and unlock the earning potential you deserve. The world rewards confidence, and this is your chance to finally get paid what you're worth.


This workshop is for you if...

You're tired of feeling like the invisible workhorse.
You pour your heart and soul into your work, but promotions and raises go elsewhere.

You feel like you’re screaming into a void.
You have brilliant ideas and share them often, but no one seems to be listening. 

You’re trapped in a never-ending cycle of hustling.
You work tirelessly and do so much for everyone, but the financial rewards just aren't there.

You’re ready to ditch the frustration and finally claim your power!
You want a roadmap to financial freedom and a career that truly values your worth.

In Case You're Thinking "Been There, Done That": Here's What Sets This Workshop Apart

We're skipping the tired career advice and will not repeat the same gender pay gap stats.

This workshop is about actionable strategies for real women, getting real results, right now.

You won't hear...

  • Lean In ClichĂ©: We'll go beyond just leaning in; we'll teach you how to take up space and command attention confidently.
  • "Act More Like a Man" Myth: We'll ditch the outdated advice about changing your behaviour to fit a masculine mould. Instead, we'll show you how to leverage your strengths and own your unique voice to command respect and recognition.
  • "Fake It Till You Make It" Facade: We'll focus on building unshakeable confidence rooted in your true worth, not pretending until you get lucky.

Introducing Your Host

Jo Stone

Jo Stone is a former corporate executive turned powerhouse entrepreneur who built a thriving global business while juggling a young family.

She understands the challenges that high-achieving women face. Despite her successful career as a senior executive, Jo knew she wasn't getting the recognition or compensation she deserved. The constant pressure left her feeling guilty and drained, with no time to truly enjoy her family.

Today, Jo is not only the CEO of a rapidly growing business but also a mum to two thriving girls. She empowers thousands of women to achieve their professional goals without sacrificing their personal lives.

Invest in You: It Pays Off!

Every dollar you spend on this workshop could translate to thousands more in your pocket every year. Not to mention the sense of empowerment and freedom that comes with financial security.

You deserve to be paid what you're worth.

Are you ready to make it happen?